I had lost track of Anita Hirsch, who was the chef at The Palace and a few other Cincinnati restaurants in the late 90’s when her name was Anita Hirsch Cunningham). So I was surprised to come across a very nice photo of her in a new cookbook, “Neiman Marcus Taste.” (Potter, $45). She is now the corporate chef of the Neiman Marcus restaurants, and works for Executive Chef Kevin Garvin, who was also a chef in Cincinnati, at Orchids and The Palace. He wrote this book, which gathers recipes from Neiman Marcus restaurants. Many were devised by Helen Corbitt, who was the innovative Director of Restaurants in the 50’s and 60’s. The recipes range from perfect ladies’ lunch food like chicken tetrazzini and seafood crepes to Texan specialties like wok-seared marinated quail and baked cheddar grits. He mentions other dishes he developed when he was here in Cincinnati, and includes Anita's Bubbie Hirsch's challah (looks really good) and her blueberry-sour cream muffins. Oh, I wish we had a classy department-store restaurant here!
Wow, I haven't heard that name in awhile. I remember years ago when she was the head chef at the now defunct Scalea's restaurant in Covington. I worked at Coco's at the time and I can recall how incredibly busy that place was. People waited months to get reservations when they first opened. Glad to hear that she's done so well for herself. I'll have to check out that book. I wouldn't mind having another Challah recipe to add to my Shabbos repertoire.
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