this AP story claims that fondue pots are back. Does anybody really think so? I haven't completed my wedding registry yet (the wedding's not till September, so plenty of time), but I can guarantee one thing that will NOT be on my wish list: a fondue set. Please no. My parents last dragged theirs out in the 1970s, and after much effort spent dusting it off and using it once, I think it went to Goodwill. The only time any sort of fondue made sense to me was when my Swiss German friend Marcel hosted us in his home - in Singapore - and made
raclette. It's a little different from fondue, but it's part of his culture. The only melted cheese I want is on a grilled cheese sandwich, made in a toaster oven - which I still need to register for.
Uh, no for the fondue... Where do they come up with this stuff??!! Like TV news, they just gotta fill up the page, so they come up with this nonsense...
i can think of reading now and then the term "fondue" on menues at... what we'll call gourmet restaurants for lack of a better (less snobby) term. usually in the appetizers, and in actuality, the chef is using it in a deconstructed sense, and realyl it is jsut a finger-food type dish with warmed, soft cheese as an element.
so, the semantics of it may be trendy, but i agree, the previous generation in my family and those around us always just kept fondue sets in high cabinets, etc.
I hope it is not true but I have a feeling it may well be. I read awhile back about some dessert shops in New York bringing them back.
Opps, here is the article I saw...
Seems there are atleast 6 places in New York featuring Fondue..
As a big fan of communal dishes/eating (Ethiopian food, for instance, is my thing), I think fondue is rather charming! :) Then again, I love all things cozy, family, corny, etc...
Speaking of fondue, what do you guys think about The Melting Pot? I've never been, but it seems like it could be a fun date night.
fundon't... Reminds me of late night informercials.. Right next to the 'pocket fisherman'.
Now something that is really cool is having a Raclette dinner... Grilled meats and veggies along with your melted cheese. Plus is French, double bonus..
search amazon.com for grills
Bunch of snobs! What's the big deal? If people like it, then why not? Most fondue is absolutely delicious and a lot of fun to do with a big group. Sorry, not everyone can make a rack of lamb with a port/fig reduction every night! Try it, unless you are worried you will like it and ruin your foodie credibility. How ever will they accept you at the wine bar again?
I can honestly say I've used my electric fondue pot. We only use it about once a year or so for true fondue, but I use it lots for taking my mom's "everything bad for you" dip to parties. It works great for keeping this cheesy bacon dip warm for serving.
I also own a raclette set, though I first was exposed to it in the Netherlands where they are called gourmetten sets. In addition to the melted cheese, the top griddle part is also used for making tiny pancakes, mini-hamburgers and so on. We use it once or twice a year. It's best with about four people and you have a great time talking as you cook your own dinner, much like a good fondue meal. Fondue never went away... The Melting Pot restaurant chain is proof of that.
We make fondue once a year on Christmas Eve and it's become a wonderful tradition for us. I used to make Swiss for the adults and cheddar for the kids, but now I've combined the two. The best part is when the cheese gets all stringy. It's funny, because I don't like Swiss cheese, but I love Swiss fondue.
don't have a fondue pot, though. Did once and broke it. WE just put a saucepan on a Sterno warmer.
The Melting Pot is awesome! If you haven't been you should go. I go every year for my birthday.
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