The incredible stinking lunch

Let me start by saying I am a big believer in packing your lunch for work. It's easy on your wallet, and it's almost always more healthful than the stuff you can grab at a deli or, worse yet, in a drive-thru on your lunch break.
Having said that, PLEASE continue to observe Office Lunch Etiquette. Yes, there is such a thing. It's right there in your employee handbook. Don't see it? Just trust me on this one. Your
colleagues will thank you.

I was greeted by an incredibly strong fish odor that nearly knocked me over when I walked through our galley-style kitchenette earlier today. (In this case, kitchenette = a coffee machine, two microwaves, a sink and a college-dorm-size fridge chock full of dirty Gladware and what I suspect is the very first container of Yoplait to ever roll off the production line in America.) As I threw away a napkin, I saw the culprit behind the odoriferousness was sitting in the trash: An open, empty (and unrinsed!) sardine can. You have GOT to be kidding me. Sardines? At the office? Really? And it was the largest sardine can I have ever seen in my life. Or maybe the scent caused me to hallucinate... Who knows?
My point? Please be considerate when you pack your lunch for work. Be a dear and dine on your 'dines at home. Same goes for popcorn that gets microwaved to death, the leftover takeout that is left to rot in the community fridge for weeks on end...
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