I got a Korean food fix not once but twice this weekend. My friend Sarah and I reminisced about our year in Korea over bibimbap and kimchi jjigae (stew) Friday night, washed down by a bottle of
baekseju (100 years wine). It's a new addition at Riverside, not yet on the menu. We overheard a waitress telling another table about it. We haven't had the delicious, pungent concoction since we left Seoul more than a year ago. It's chock full of herbs, mostly ginseng, along with licorice, cinnamon and ginger. At $18 a bottle, it's not a bad deal. We admittedly left a bit giggly. (But we walked to our destination, no worries!) We returned last night before Sarah left for steaming hot stone bowls of bibimbap with tofu.
Sarah lives in Athens right now, where it's a bit tricky to find all the Korean ingredients she needs. There's a small market that has most items, but they're a bit pricey. Every time she visits, she loads up on pickled daikon radish, spicy cucumbers and cabbage kimchi at
Jungle Jim's, along with other goodies.
The Korean section was actually pretty barren this trip, but we did find some dried squid and three small packages of laver for snacking.

But this time, the star of the visit was
Snofrisk cream cheese from Norway. We sampled the rich, creamy goat-cow cheese and immediately wanted more. This is the richest, creamiest cream cheese I've ever tasted. I'm usually able to resist the temptation of cheese, but at 2 for $3, it was too good for either of us to pass up. Get some today!
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