Spicy shrimp in a flash
What's for dinner?
When I go to the bank without any makeup on, I pinch my cheeks (a la Scarlett O'Hara) right before I go inside for a hint of color. I've convinced myself that the result makes look more like a lady and less like I'm about to stick up the joint. If I get a run in my nylons, I use clear nail polish to stop it from creeping up my leg. When I lose the back to an earring, I cut off a piece of a pencil eraser and use that to hold my earring in place until I can get home.

My point? We all have those moments when we're in a (get ready for the full-circle moment) pinch. Here's a great dinner idea for times like that. The secret ingredient? Campbell's Cream of Shrimp Soup. Never heard of it? Neither had I until about two months ago when I saw it at Super Walmart. Yeah, I know it hasn't been cool to cook with condensed soups since the 1950s, but darn it... They're convenient! What else can I say? Hate it or eat it...
Spicy Shrimp with Rice
1 can of Campbell's Cream of Shrimp Soup
1 lb shrimp, deveined and shelled
1 cup celery, diced
1 cup sliced green onions (kitchen shears work well with these), with another 1/4 cup for garnish
1/2 cup white wine (something you would like to drink; cooking swill only makes it more wretched)
3 tablespoons of butter
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper
Hot cooked rice
In a large lidded skillet, heat butter over medium high heat. Saute celery and green onions until soft. Add shrimp and cook until they are pink. Add cayenne pepper, soup, wine and heat through. Do not overcook or shrimp will be bubblegummy (yes, that IS a word). Squeeze lemon juice over it right before serving.
Serve over rice and garnish with a little extra green onion on top.
Labels: what's for dinner
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