
The Foodie Report
Ruminations on food, cooking in and eating out in our area.

It's entirely possible to be a vegetarian in Porkopolis. Pop culture reporter Lauren Bishop blogs about products, recipes and restaurants she's tried for others who eat meat-free. E-mail her at lbishop@enquirer.com.

Nicci King is an unabashed foodie and the Lifestyle/Food editor in The Enquirer's features department. She loves to discover new food faves, and she's on a daily quest to answer one burning question: What's for dinner? E-mail her at nking@enquirer.com.

Enquirer Weekend editor Julie Gaw tends to order the same dish every time she eats at a restaurant, but periodically ventures out to discover something new and fabulous. After living in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand for more than 8 years, she craves tasty Asian food. E-mail her at jgaw@enquirer.com.

Food/dining writer Polly Campbell loves every quirk and secret of Cincinnati's food personality, and is on a constant lookout for something good to eat. Keep an eye out for her restaurant picks, or see how she's progressing toward becoming famous for her apple pie. E-mail her at pcampbell@enquirer.com.

Communities reporter Rachel Richardson is on a mission to prove vegetarians eat more than lettuce. She shares both her graduate work on American food culture and food-related news.. E-mail her at rrichardson@enquirer.com.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Would you like an egg sandwich with your venti extra hot half-caf mocha soy latte?

Just stumbled across a New York Times article (quick, read it now before you have to pay for it) about how Starbucks is starting to offer hot egg and cheese sandwiches to better compete with McDonald's and how McDonald's started offering higher-quality coffee last year to better compete with Starbucks. Apparently, lots of people think that Starbucks' current food offerings, largely baked goods, stink (although personally, I couldn't get enough of their low-fat banana chocolate chip coffee cake when it was around last summer). So they're going to start selling their own version of an Egg McMuffin, only "re-engineered for the Starbucks demographic," which means it will have Cheddar and fontina instead of American cheese. Ha!

Anyway, I stopped into the Starbucks on Fourth Street downtown today and they're not selling the sandwiches yet, but I'm very curious to see how this will all play out. Frankly, the thought of walking into a egg-y smelling Starbucks to get coffee isn't very appealing. But then, the thought of walking into a greasy-smelling McDonald's to get coffee isn't very appealing either, and I found myself doing just that last fall after my weekly appointments with my hand therapist. Their new coffee really is good, and at least at that particular McDonald's, any size coffee was just 90 cents, a price that beats the pants off Starbucks.

Someone else will have to be the judge of how their egg sandwiches compare, though, as I've been a vegetarian for more than eight years now. (Although I suppose I could always order one without the meat.) So where will you be breakfasting after Starbucks breaks into the business? And whose coffee do you like better?

On a related note: Do you ever give a fake name at Starbucks, for whatever reason? E-mail me at lbishop@enquirer.com if you do and I'll tell you why I wanna know.


at 3:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starbucks should remain free of serving that kind of food. Their pastries will suffice. Their franchise is excellent coffee and a cool atmostphere.

at 4:06 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a breakfast sandwich at one out in Seattle a couple of years ago -- was pretty good. Guess that's where they were testing the idea first...?

at 6:12 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fontina? Real cheddar? I would say bring it on if I didn't think a morning trip to Starbucks would now set me back $9 as opposed to $4... I bet they're going to try to justify the inflated price tags with an "it's real cheese" campaign. Mark my words... Which brings me to my most recent question: Why does good/healthy food cost so much while crap is 10 for a $1? Meanwhile, the cost of health insurance skyrockets. What the...? Maybe if high-quality food was less expensive...

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