It's entirely possible to be a vegetarian in Porkopolis. Pop culture reporter Lauren Bishop blogs about products, recipes and restaurants she's tried for others who eat meat-free. E-mail her at lbishop@enquirer.com.

Nicci King is an unabashed foodie and the Lifestyle/Food editor in The Enquirer's features department. She loves to discover new food faves, and she's on a daily quest to answer one burning question: What's for dinner? E-mail her at nking@enquirer.com.

Enquirer Weekend editor Julie Gaw tends to order the same dish every time she eats at a restaurant, but periodically ventures out to discover something new and fabulous. After living in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand for more than 8 years, she craves tasty Asian food. E-mail her at jgaw@enquirer.com.

Food/dining writer Polly Campbell loves every quirk and secret of Cincinnati's food personality, and is on a constant lookout for something good to eat. Keep an eye out for her restaurant picks, or see how she's progressing toward becoming famous for her apple pie. E-mail her at pcampbell@enquirer.com.

Communities reporter Rachel Richardson is on a mission to prove vegetarians eat more than lettuce. She shares both her graduate work on American food culture and food-related news.. E-mail her at rrichardson@enquirer.com.

Foodie Report not hitting the spot?
Let me get to the point: The Foodie Report is in imminent danger of being “discontinued,” as it were. It seems our loyal fan base (and looking at the number of visitors we have each month, it’s clear we have one) is not substantial enough to keep us in the blogosphere and there is a good chance that we will go the way of the tan M&Ms. Here are three things you can do to help keep us around:
1. Reply to our posts (comments are the lifeblood of our blogs). 2. Tell all your e-friends about us and send them the link. (http://frontier.cincinnati.com/blogs/foodie/)3. Think of this blog the same way Wilford Brimley thinks of his blood sugar: Check it, and check it often.
I hope we can continue the foodie banter. But if we can't, we'll cherish the memories... All almost-three-months-worth of 'em...
Well that's just silly. It's not like your blog has a lot that can be responded to. That doesn't make it any less useful.
But if thats what it takes I'll try to go in post, nice post everytime i check in.
perhaps if it was promoted maybe 1/4 as much as cincymoms then it would have a chance
Man O Man, this is a great blog... I rarely comment but I read it every day... I know nothing of cooking; but its fun to read about those who do... And the occasional restaurant posting are fun to read too...
I really like The Foodie Report. It's a nice mix of entries. I hope you can keep it up.
One thing for the Enquirer management to keep in mind is that hit count isn't the only means of judging success. I read a lot of blogs through Bloglines using their RSS feeds. I'm not web saavy, but I doubt looking at the feed counts as a 'hit'. That's a shame. In general, there's lots of food blog traffic on the web. The Enquirer shouldn't miss out.
BTW, I have a link to your site on my blog roll. I hope they consider links as well. I'll bet you folks have a good Technorati rating.
I'm not a huge cook, but your posts about local restaurants, food events, items to try, etc. are all great. Keep it up!
Sorry to say, but I find this blog lame. There are tons of much better food blogs out there, and rarely do I find anything of local interest here. I think your parent media company is trying to hop on the blog bandwagon, and so far is doing it with little success. The independent bloggers do it much better—with photos, distinct voices, and less reliance on press releases. I also find it disappointing that restaurant reviews can be viewed for only 60 days without paying for an older “archive.” I understand that there is limited print space in the paper, but what this town—and this blog—could use is more coverage and opportunity to offer up suggestions and comments on local markets, vendors, restaurants, hidden neighborhood gems, etc. I agree with Anonymous 1:59 that there is not much here to comment on. There are many ways you could take advantage of the interactive capabilities of the blogosphere if you took off your “newspaper” hat.
oh good lord,
i literally just found this blog yesterday and have been reading earlier posts. i've even had things to comment on, but it seemed silly to go back several days since few people would read back that far.
i have been loyal to sara's art blog, and in the brief interim that marilyn was writing, despite people's fusses, i read loyally from her as well.
i can tell you what i would like:
-i'm originally from Louisiana, and i've been here a few years, but i've lived and gone to school in downtown, and really don't know much about what seems to be an ever shifting restaurant scene further out. (for example, my roommate and i went to an amazing little restaurant called The Chocolate Morel in Mason, and a month later, it was closed.)
-local traditions, such as goetta, which i've just started to prepare at home.
-food events- which seems like you've posted before now. tastings, parties, etc.
-i would have like a further exposition about what area restaurants were having valentine's day specials, beyond what the enquirer printed.
those are my little suggestions....
Please don't take away my foodie report! I try to read everyday and I enjoy it every time I do. The restaurant tidbits, recipes and product highlights are so interesting. I've tried several of the recipes and a few have been added to my trusty binder. Since the restaurant archive has been limited to 60 days (it used to go back five years or so) our foodie news space on cincinnati.com seems to be getting more limited by the second. It's not fair to spoil someone and then take it all away.
How sad-this blog serves the readers quite well with a diversity of opinion and fact. Why dont they just change the name to the paper to the Suburban Soccer Mom Enquirer and get it over with-there are readers, like myself, who do not care what mommies do, we want grown up news and blogs. What next take away the politics extra blog? How insulting to those of you who work hard on this blog. If they delete your blog, I will cancel my subscription to the print edition and stop reading all their online blogs.
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I'd love to see more comments from Polly Campbell about her work as a dining critic. I mean, on Frank Bruni's NYT blog, he truly gives an inside look at the job, provides great Q & A's with local chefs and provides a first look at a number of new restaurants. Now I know Cincinnati isn't New York -- and Polly might not have THAT much restaurant material to work with -- but I think more of her comments could push this blog forward. Thanks!
I tried to leave a comment earlier but it wanted me to "aloow" cookies" - sorry NO GO on that one - I've disabled them for a reason.
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