Another lobster fest

I came across another upcoming Lobsterfest while trolling through some calendar listings at Cincinnati.Com. This one's at the Farm Beer Garden between Ross and Milville on Route 27, near Hamilton. Never heard of the place? Neither have we. But it looks like it could be pretty cool. They apparently fly in lobsters from Maine for the experience. And what's not to love about the Hillbilly Fest they have every October? $30 for a lobster and fixins.... not bad!
Have you been to the Farm Beer Garden? Tried the lobster at Lobster Fest? I'd love to go but it's a bad weekend for me (ultimate frisbee tournament and all).
If all else fails, I'll buy some live lobster at Jungle Jim's. They'll actually cook them there for you to save you the trouble.
This brings back memories of the vacation when we were tooling through Rockland, Maine (the Lobster Capital of the World, said the sign upon entering the city).
Oh my God, huge barrels full of lobsters, clams and whatever else they could drag out of the ocean. Throw them on a paper plate and sit down and go! Want another? Um, that'll be $5 please.
I wanted God to take me then, because life could only go downhill...
By the way, WHO was the first person to pull a lobster out of the ocean and say: my, this looks yummy. Let's eat one!
Rick - I KNOW we're in the Midwest, and I KNOW it's sweltering (usually) in August, but I do admit to being a guilty party in stuffing my face at Newport's annual Great Inland Seafood Festival. (My friends all say - Seafood? In Cincinnati? In the heat? For cheap???) I think it's around Aug 11-12 this year. And I've never gotten food poisoning from it! But man, to be in ROckland for that sounds AMAZING. I was on vacation last week w/ my cousin who got married on the coast up in Maine (campus of Wooden Boat magazine) a couple year's back. They didn't have an officiant the week before the wedding, then found out that the caterer - who was cooking mussels and lobsters - could marry them too! That was awesome to see him take off his robe and head right over to the pots and coolers!!! LOVE Maine.
How do they fix the lobsters? I'd love to go to a real lobster bake where they dig a pit and cook the lobsters, corn, potatoes, etc in seaweed. Do they do this? That would make it worth coming to.
Um, there's no beach here, so there's no lobster pit, alas. Man, find me some seaweed... I think they boil them for the festivals around these parts, though they might steam them??? No pits though. Sorry!!!
Hey Julie - Too bad you couldn't make it, it was a great party!!! I'm actually a friend of the owner and I live in Maine, about 30 miles north of Rockland where Rick mentioned being on vacation. I fly the lobsters in each year for the festival and we steam cook them. We cooked up 240 this year. Maybe next year???
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