Get your manna raw!
After that posting about unsafe snacks, here's one that's good and presumably safe! We often get to try new snacks here, which can be good and bad -- the snacks and their tempting availability!
On Tuesday, we got Wild Bars:
raw, organic cacao-based nutrition bars that are full of goodness like wild blue-green algae (1,700 mg of it) and dark agave nectar. (No sugar or corn syrup -- this is the only sweetener.) The bars also contain maca, hemp seed and mesquite.

They are crazy good for you! 55% of your daily fiber! Plus tons of Omega-3 fatty acids and B12 (great for blood and nerve cells)!

The bar has an odd look: black and a bit green with bits of macadamia nuts throughout. But don't judge. The Mayan Spice was quite spicy, with a really rich raw chocolate flavor. (More cocoa powder than dark chocolate. It was tasty though.) They're not lying when they say there's blue green algae -- my tongue turned green! And after, the cayenne's heat lingered on my tongue.
They boast that the bars boost energy, and I believe it. I was a bit hyper later that afternoon. (Oh, and they're $5, raw, certified organic, vegan, kosher and gluten-free!)
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