Our little secret

Love, love, love all the Indian restaurants in the downtown and Clifton areas of Cincinnati. Hate, hate, hate going out when it's cold and rainy/snowy. So I charged myself to find a superb Chicken Masala recipe. To the web!!!!
I found a million of 'em. But what I didn't like was the marinating of the chicken (I'm a child of instant gratification). But I found a wonderful Indian Chicken Masala recipe that did NOT call for soaking the chicken in a yogurt mixture for more than an hour, or even less than an hour.
Once the sauce was made, I sniffed its glorious aroma. I was in heaven. Then I opened my eyes. And then, I cheated.
It didn't look right. It wasn't creamy enough. So I did what I thought was right: I added heavy cream, about a cup or so.
You don't have to. You can follow the recipe to the letter. But I was blinded by all the delicious restaurant-prepared Masala I'd had, and knew I wanted to duplicate it to the max.
I made a good choice that day. And I'm telling the world about my indescretion. Just don't tell my husband. It's our little secret.
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