Great steaks

When we want steaks for a special occasion, we get them from Eckerlin Meats at Findlay Market. They're fresh and quite honestly, so good, I haven't bothered looking elsewhere for anything better. (I'd almost rather eat a filet from Eckerlin's, grilled at home, than at Ruby's or Carlo & Johnny!). But I'm open to suggestions - especially on the north side of town. So for Easter dinner Sunday, I'll be having filet mignon, grilled, with a little salt and pepper, medium rare. It may not be grillin' weather, but it will still taste so good with a bit of ground horseradish. Still trying to fugure out what we'll serve for dessert, though.
Easter is a great get together holiday for my family. At Easter dinner it is turkey and ham at our table. However we love great steaks as well. We recently discovered a great company on the internet for delicious steaks. I love the ribeyes and of course my wife loves the filets.
I love posts about independently owned businesses like these...
As a relative newcomer to Cincy, it certainly helps!
I need to make my first trip to the findlay market next weekend, good steak on my own grill is always the best way to go.
Thanks again!
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