Wasabi? Avocado!

So avocados aren't exactly low in fat (248 of 276 calories from fat), but I get the craving once in a blue moon. I bought a nice ripe one from the Mason Kroger last night with a mind to put in on my salad (and the hamburger I never ended up eating), and remembered how a Japanese girlfriend taught me to eat them: halved, pit removed, with a dash of soy sauce and a squeeze of wasabi. Like eating sushi, minus the rice and fish. Grab a spoon and dig in! Yum. Pity I didn't have any wasabi in the house at the time. But it's not entirely crazy; I found this recipe (minus the wasabi) for Asian avocado.
Perhaps the farthest from guacamole you can get is an Indonesian avocado and chocolate shake. I tried it in Bali - it's the quintessential backpacker food. And before you poo-poo the odd combo, try it. Even Saveur has a recipe for it. I'm going to try it with Hershey's syrup. And scroll down on this entry for a slightly less sweet and more icy version. Mmm. Summer. Sweet. Avocado!
Seriously, the avocado-chocolate combo is delicious! I've had shakes at bubble tea places. The creaminess goes well with chocolate. And while it isn't low-fat, avocado's fat is heart healthy. According to the book I'm currently reading, (The 150 Healthiest Foods in the World) avocados primarily have a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid an omega-9 fat. There's also a ton of fiber (as much as 17 g per avocado, of the recommended 25-30 g daily) along with all that flavor. I'm with Julie. Avocados are great!
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