I tried
Helen's Kitchen's Indian Curry with Tofu Steaks over Rice and thought it was delicious -- it's very flavorful but doesn't have a ton of sodium, which is a big complaint of mine about many supposedly healthy frozen meals (this one has 300 mg of sodium, or 13 percent of what you're supposed to get in a day). And I love that the certified organic. But the photo on the packaging, which shows the dish with chopped onions and a fresh sprig of cilantro, made me laugh. Isn't the whole point of buying frozen meals that you don't have to chop anything yourself? And who's going to bring an onion and a bunch of cilantro to work? (Although I have seen stranger things in our coffee alley.) But my biggest complaint is that no
stores in this area seem to carry them yet -- the only Ohio location is Port Clinton. Boo!
Let me get this straight: A company (looking to get free advertising) sends you (journalists) free samples of their products that aren't available in stores. Consumers can't find the products, at least not in Cincinnati. And so you devote two blog posts to how tasty they are. Great journalism! Come on -- readers expect better than this! How about trying to live up to the great food discussions on washingtonpost.com, Frank Bruni's "Diner's Journal" and others. They're intelligent, well written and clearly meant to get readers thinking. Blog posts about Helen's frozen Indian Curry dishes don't exactly do that.
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