It's entirely possible to be a vegetarian in Porkopolis. Pop culture reporter Lauren Bishop blogs about products, recipes and restaurants she's tried for others who eat meat-free. E-mail her at lbishop@enquirer.com.

Nicci King is an unabashed foodie and the Lifestyle/Food editor in The Enquirer's features department. She loves to discover new food faves, and she's on a daily quest to answer one burning question: What's for dinner? E-mail her at nking@enquirer.com.

Enquirer Weekend editor Julie Gaw tends to order the same dish every time she eats at a restaurant, but periodically ventures out to discover something new and fabulous. After living in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand for more than 8 years, she craves tasty Asian food. E-mail her at jgaw@enquirer.com.

Food/dining writer Polly Campbell loves every quirk and secret of Cincinnati's food personality, and is on a constant lookout for something good to eat. Keep an eye out for her restaurant picks, or see how she's progressing toward becoming famous for her apple pie. E-mail her at pcampbell@enquirer.com.

Communities reporter Rachel Richardson is on a mission to prove vegetarians eat more than lettuce. She shares both her graduate work on American food culture and food-related news.. E-mail her at rrichardson@enquirer.com.

A souper lunch
I just had lunch at Paula's Cafe. Man, I love that turkey chili. I can't figure out what spices they add that addicted me, but I love it. As I'm eating it, so engrossed in the bowl that I'm tempted to ignore my fellow lunchers, I keep thinking, "Is that cumin? What is that? Cinnamon?" It's so good! Well worth the $5.25. I doubt an average person will be hungry again until dinner...Now that the temperature has dipped, I can't think of anything more satisfying that a soup or stew. Who makes your favorite soup to go? Oh, and would you like bread or crackers with that?
Yeah, I'm going to say it again: Myra's has the best soups and they all are available to go. Also, Wild Oats has some good soups, but if you get there too late in the day they've been steaming for a little too long. Heads up about that.
Chicken Tortilla at Silverglades over off of Sycamore..
The crab bisque at Jeff Ruby's is excellent. Palamino makes a wonderful cream of mushroom.
I'm with nicejewishgirl: Myra's Thai Pumpkin. I'm dreaming of having it again soon.
Rafferty's in Florence has really good potato soup and their Aunt Mary's Hamburger Veggie is good too.
I love Myra's Thai Pumpkin too! And I know it's a chain, but Panera Bread's new vegetarian fiesta con queso is also pretty tasty.
Chain or not, I like Panera's broccoli cheese soup. It's hard to find one that is creamy but still the right consistency. I hate when it's bright orange/yellow, has a half of a floret in it, and more like goo or plasma than soup... If the oyster crackers can sit on top of the "soup," I'll pass...
Best Soup....Murphin Ridge Inn....their onion bisque is amazing.....all of their soups are stellar, but this one is worth the hour drive from downtown.
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