
The Foodie Report
Ruminations on food, cooking in and eating out in our area.

It's entirely possible to be a vegetarian in Porkopolis. Pop culture reporter Lauren Bishop blogs about products, recipes and restaurants she's tried for others who eat meat-free. E-mail her at lbishop@enquirer.com.

Nicci King is an unabashed foodie and the Lifestyle/Food editor in The Enquirer's features department. She loves to discover new food faves, and she's on a daily quest to answer one burning question: What's for dinner? E-mail her at nking@enquirer.com.

Enquirer Weekend editor Julie Gaw tends to order the same dish every time she eats at a restaurant, but periodically ventures out to discover something new and fabulous. After living in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand for more than 8 years, she craves tasty Asian food. E-mail her at jgaw@enquirer.com.

Food/dining writer Polly Campbell loves every quirk and secret of Cincinnati's food personality, and is on a constant lookout for something good to eat. Keep an eye out for her restaurant picks, or see how she's progressing toward becoming famous for her apple pie. E-mail her at pcampbell@enquirer.com.

Communities reporter Rachel Richardson is on a mission to prove vegetarians eat more than lettuce. She shares both her graduate work on American food culture and food-related news.. E-mail her at rrichardson@enquirer.com.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mike & Jimmy's closes, John Phillip's coming soon

Mike & Jimmy's closed at Crestview Hills, but a place called John Phillip’s Restaurant and Bar will take it's place.
I did a Restaurant Week video there last year, but I've never eaten there. Looked like a good place, but I usually don't find myself in Crestview Hills.


at 12:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took my father there for dinner last year and ended up very disappointed due to the quality/preparation of the food vs. the prices. I can't exactly say I'm surprised.

at 2:54 PM Blogger Julie Gaw said...

I ate their last year with three girlfriends (against my better judgment) and we had an awful time. The food was mediocre at best, took forever to serve, and we had a surly waitress of the sort you could imagine spitting in your food. (I think we did have to send something back so it was not pretty).

at 3:39 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too went there one time. ONE time....at some point someone in my party suggested the waiter felt like a used car salesman... it was SO true....that fake, cheesey, forced kinda feeling. The food was mediocre and that is being generous. You would have thought we asked for someones first born when one of the peeps in the party asked for no onions. Did someone say customer service?

at 7:32 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Mike & Jimmys once when it first opened and I can't believe it took so long to close cause it really sucked. I go to Crestview all the time and I hope the new joint going in is much better. If not, there is always the new Deweys which will be opening shortly.

at 4:10 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

More negativity from Anonymous! OHMIGAWWWD!


at 1:37 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

God you really are annoying....do you ever have anything useful to say..all I hear is whinning....I wish YOU would do us all a favor and make yourself anonymous.

at 3:19 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and yet more complaining and negativity from Anonymous! Hurrah!

at 6:25 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The annoymous thing is an option for the blog, many people use it. Does it take away the validity of peoples posts? NO. Move on already from the 4th grade banter. Waste of time.

at 8:51 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like that too - that the anonymous folks would accept posts made by non-anon folks - whether negative or positive - as having value as well; and further that folks confine themselves to addressing the topic and subsequent comments rather than launching broad personal attacks.

at 10:29 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...


You saying that is like th pumps calling the handbag beige.....

at 10:33 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at this thread TJ, everyone had legit posts till you come in here with your petty slams and start a bunch of negativity.
Your a bully....simple but true....most of the time you just embarrass yourself.

at 10:42 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, no - what has happened on the comments on this blog as a whole is that various anonymous folks have decided to, under cloak of anonimity, launch personal attacks on various folks. Recent attacks were made on me, decrying me as "always negative" despite the blatant untruth of that statement. I therefore have starting poking fun at that. None of my "slams" in this thread were anything more than tongue-firmly-in-cheek. My comment about preferring to keep the discussion on topic, and this reply, are my only serious remarks in this thread

at 12:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, you are for the most part very annoying and offer very little imput that is interesting.
Annoymous or not.....

at 1:51 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be a jacka$$ and people won't attack you. Shockingly simple.

at 3:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, to be fair, I find very little input from folks hiding under the cloak of anonimity to be worth reading. Frankly, personal attacks on anyone -- and in particular those launched by those too cowardly to identify themselves -- are the least useful, least interesting, and most annoying input found on this (or any) blog.

So again, I'll implore everyone to stick to the topic and/or related comments and cut out the personal attacks.

at 9:19 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So again, I'll implore everyone to stick to the topic and/or related comments and cut out the personal attacks."

Yeah how bout a big ole dose of your own medicine.

I'll get the pacifier for ya!

at 3:54 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I'd just like to see the personal attacks stop and on-topic discussion commence.

How about it, Anonymous?

at 10:10 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wattsamatta TJ, dod you work at Mike and Jimmy's and get your little feeling hurt?

at 12:45 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I've never worked there.

As you know, that was yet another personal attack. Any chance you'd consider stopping the personal attacks and starting to actually discuss the topic(s) at hand? Not just in this topic, but in all of them?

at 8:45 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm well aware that it is possible there are multiple individuals replying as Anonymous. Makes no difference to me. Each such individual has one thing in common.....the focus on the personal attack rather than the discussion of the topic at hand.

For the benefit of this blog, I would once again request that the personal attacks stop and we get back to discussion of the blog topics and the subsequent commentary.


at 9:21 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are PLENTY of posts on this blog from anonymous posters that make valid points and posts that contribute to the discussions. Get over yourself.

at 9:28 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you aren't going to stop the personal attacks, then?

at 9:45 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

TJ YOU and only YOU started this storm of negativity.....read the posts....YOU started it and now you want to act like your a victum. get off your self riteous cross buddy....someone else needs the wood.

at 10:27 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, actually, how this started was that commenters posting as anonymous began launching personal attacks - attacking against certain other non-anonymous commenters, including but not limited to me. These anonymous commenters chose (and continue to choose, if you read through the comments on this particular blog entry) to launch personal attacks rather than comment on the subject at hand. The 'OHMIGAWWWD!' comment from me , the one you perhaps see as the start of all this, was in fact NOT the start, rather it was a light hearted attempt on my part to point out the ridiculousness of yet another anonymous comment in another blog entry that compained about the presence of negatively-oriented comments.

Frankly, I and others have for months now been subject to many repeated personal attacks in the comment sections in this blog, and I for one (and I'd bet good money the others would agree) that the experience this blog provides would be a lot better if the personal attacks were to cease.

Folks, this is a foodie blog, which in turn means the discussion should be about food, not the name calling session several anon posters seem to be trying to turn this into. Is it really necessary to carry on with the personal attacks? I mean....really? Come on....

at 12:43 PM Blogger Stepfanie said...

wow! getting personal there, folks. Play nice! :)

at 1:12 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Stepf.

I'd like to see us all at least tolerate each other's opinions, even if we don't find value in them or agree with them....and there is certainly no reason whatsoever to launch a personal attack

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