But I digest...

I'm taking off my new-recipe-diva hat for a moment, and putting on my things-that-make-you-go-hmmmm hat.
I love classic rock, and I recently realized that almost all of my favorite bands have one-word names. Think: Boston, Journey, Kansas, Supertramp, Foreigner and REO (I know it's REO Speedwagon. I still love 'em.).
Coincidentally, while perusing through CiN Weekly's brand-spankin' new Dining Guide issue, I realized that all the cool restaurants have only one name too. Consider: Vinyl, Cumin, Aqua, Beluga, One, Boca. All highlighted as "hipster hangouts." Maybe I AM a hep cat!
More things I liked about the Dining Guide: Smothered food (my hips say no; my taste buds say "Oh yeah!"); Burgers and Beer (the ultimate combo meal); and burritos (so many choices!).
So, make sure you got some good classic rock on the headphones, and check out the Dining Guide. Oh, and don't forget some napkins; you'll be drooling over both.
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