"Skinny Bitch" big on veganism

I'm midway through the book "Skinny Bitch" and it's really funny, sometimes hilarious. And the advice they give seems to be sound. Anybody else reading it? It's full of things most of us know but choose to forget/disregard when we go to the grocery store. Some of the messages in the book? Dairy is not the best thing for us; beef production is less than appetizing; refined carbs are bad, or "the Devil" according to the authors.
I've tried to go vegetarian (the longest I did it was a year) and it was great while it lasted. I felt fabulous, I looked fabulous and it felt good to know that nothing had been slaughtered for me. But somewhere along the way, The Craving (you meatlovers know what I'm talking about) kicked in. I think a vegan lifestyle, while harder to maintain, would be even more ideal. But that's just it... it seems too ideal. But I do think it's a good idea to limit dairy and increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and grains we all eat. I would love to live vegan, but I have too many vices to overcome. I would literally have to take it one day at a time!
I guess that means I'll never be a "Skinny Bitch." And I can live with that. I'd rather be a Curvaceous Diva anyway. Hey, sounds like I need to get going on my own "this is what I think you should eat" book! Anybody want to place an advance order now?
I'll probably finish "Skinny Bitch" in the next day or two, so maybe they have some helpful hints on just how I could live the rest of my days without my dad's barbecue. Sigh... I guess he could always soak some tempeh in the homemade sauce before he dunks the ribs, chicken, etc in it.
What animal products (doesn't sound so tasty or fashionable when you put it that way, huh?) could you not live without? I could live without leather. But fish? Now THAT would be hard. I'd rather give up sugar!
I've been vegetarian now for four years, and find it fairly easy to do. Restaurants can be tricky; while most do accommodate a veggie diet, sometimes they're only side dishes and not very appetizing.
I tried to go vegan a couple years ago and found it extremely difficult. It requires a lot of time, diligence and an ability to cook, all of which I lack.
I was a partial vegetarian for about 4 years. I cut out all meat and fish except for chicken (hey.. we all customize...)
If I had to be honest with myself (and my abilities, or lack there of, as a cook) I would say that I could not live without hamburger.
I know it seems boring, but I really do use it in about every dish that I know how to prepare.
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