It's entirely possible to be a vegetarian in Porkopolis. Pop culture reporter Lauren Bishop blogs about products, recipes and restaurants she's tried for others who eat meat-free. E-mail her at lbishop@enquirer.com.

Nicci King is an unabashed foodie and the Lifestyle/Food editor in The Enquirer's features department. She loves to discover new food faves, and she's on a daily quest to answer one burning question: What's for dinner? E-mail her at nking@enquirer.com.

Enquirer Weekend editor Julie Gaw tends to order the same dish every time she eats at a restaurant, but periodically ventures out to discover something new and fabulous. After living in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand for more than 8 years, she craves tasty Asian food. E-mail her at jgaw@enquirer.com.

Food/dining writer Polly Campbell loves every quirk and secret of Cincinnati's food personality, and is on a constant lookout for something good to eat. Keep an eye out for her restaurant picks, or see how she's progressing toward becoming famous for her apple pie. E-mail her at pcampbell@enquirer.com.

Communities reporter Rachel Richardson is on a mission to prove vegetarians eat more than lettuce. She shares both her graduate work on American food culture and food-related news.. E-mail her at rrichardson@enquirer.com.

Jellied v. whole berries
 Cranberry sauce is one of my favorite things about Thankgiving Day dinner. My sister usually jokes, "Want some dressing with your cranberry sauce?" (Yes, we eat dressing, not stuffing, in my family. I think some Southern traditions - like chess pie - will live on forever...)
My mom makes a cranberry relish (it's quite similar to this cranberry chutney recipe on the Williams-Sonoma Web site). But she also plops a cynlinder of jellied, shivering cranberry sauce into a bowl on Turkey Day. Some people prefer one over the other. Others don't care and reach for whatever is nearest... I love the way whole cranberries pop when you eat them, and the tart bite they have which balances so well with oranges, pecans, etc... But I have to say that I sorta like the jellied version, too. I like a little kitsch every now and again...
I reach for whatever is closest.
But the jiggly can shaped jelly stuff...that is what has to go on the leftover turkey sammich.
I reach for my mom's frozen cranberry salad. Cranberries and apples are ground together and mixed with whipping cream, chopped nuts and miniature marshmallows before being frozen. My mom got the recipe when she took a catering class when she was working on her M.S. in dietitics. Turns out the professor got the recipe from a caterer who wasn't too happy that the teacher shared it with her class. Our family is so glad she did!
Oh, yes... The turkey sammiches... You just have to hurry up and make yours before anyone else comes in the kitchen, lest you are forced into the role of a sandwich artist.
Or you can wait until someone else goes in to make one.
Wait for it... Wait for it... Pounce! "Hey, can you make one for me, while you're in there anyway...?" Yesssssss...
I love homemade cranberry sauce. I make it with pineapple and walnuts. It's delicious.
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