It's entirely possible to be a vegetarian in Porkopolis. Pop culture reporter Lauren Bishop blogs about products, recipes and restaurants she's tried for others who eat meat-free. E-mail her at lbishop@enquirer.com.

Nicci King is an unabashed foodie and the Lifestyle/Food editor in The Enquirer's features department. She loves to discover new food faves, and she's on a daily quest to answer one burning question: What's for dinner? E-mail her at nking@enquirer.com.

Enquirer Weekend editor Julie Gaw tends to order the same dish every time she eats at a restaurant, but periodically ventures out to discover something new and fabulous. After living in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand for more than 8 years, she craves tasty Asian food. E-mail her at jgaw@enquirer.com.

Food/dining writer Polly Campbell loves every quirk and secret of Cincinnati's food personality, and is on a constant lookout for something good to eat. Keep an eye out for her restaurant picks, or see how she's progressing toward becoming famous for her apple pie. E-mail her at pcampbell@enquirer.com.

Communities reporter Rachel Richardson is on a mission to prove vegetarians eat more than lettuce. She shares both her graduate work on American food culture and food-related news.. E-mail her at rrichardson@enquirer.com.

Oh, happy Monday...

So you hunger to hang out with fellow foodies? C'mon!
What: The Foodie Report Happy Hour
When: Monday, February 18, 2008, from 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
Where: Palomino (cash bar - but with $3 mojitos, you won't even notice)
Why: Um, because we said so... Just come! Can't wait to see you there!
Dumb question, but what time is their happy hour? 4-7? 5-7? or just show up when we can?
Wait, was that there a second ago. Geez, I'm blind. Ignore that post.
I think it's like 3-7, but we can't, ahem, leave the office quite that early... ;)
No, you're not crazy. I just published before I shudda...
Polly will bring her menu mask?
I want the job that enables you to start drinking at 3. It's bad enough that our generation missed out on the three martini lunch.
I am scheduled to be in Iowa City that week for work....but sometimes I fly down on Tuesday. I will see what I can work out! If I can't go someone please dedicate a mojito to me!
Monday? OK thats a little early in the week for me but I'll be there. What do we do to recognize each other, Polly will be easy the ever present menu is a give away but for the rest of us? Perhaps a sprig of parsley behind the right ear, food stains on our shirt? And will Anon show up?
I'll be there, but you won't know it.
I'll be there. Just so you know, I'm the willowy redhead with the stunning smile. Can't miss me.
Ugh, My husband will be out of town so I am on my own with the boys. Wish I could be there!!
Nicci I still owe you your b-day present!
"but with $3 mojitos, you won't even notice"
Stopped in the other day to try the mojitos and they were god awful, super sweet bar mix it tasted like corn syrup more than a mojito. I could not drink it, attempts to work with the bartender to create a scratch margarita was not particularly successful either. At least he did not charge me for the $3 mojito, I tipped him 30% for effort.
Same thing at Nada two weeks ago, the nadarita is an awful barmix. Their over priced "premium" marg was terrible also, we were able to work with the bartender to finally get a good true Margaret Sames Marg, one part Cointreau, two parts tequila and one part FRESH lime or there abouts. Triple sec has no business in a classic.
Any barkeep worth his bar salt should know how to make the few basic classics well, if a bar want's to create their own "twist" on a classic they should at least offer and know how to make an acceptable original and have the resources on hand.
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